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责任编辑:李锋(台海观澜)惠台31条措施持续推进 大陆多省市评出台籍劳模中新社福州5月1日电 (记者 龙敏)5月1日是五一国际劳动节。从大陆多省市公布的劳动模范名单可见,31条惠台措施正稳步实施,多位台胞当选劳动模范。2月28日,国务院台湾事务办公室等部门出台的31条惠台措施,其中就包括:在大陆工作的台湾同胞可参加当地劳动模范、“五一”劳动奖章、技术能手、“三八”红旗手等荣誉称号评选。

The trade war between China and the United States really created a lot of uncertainties and unpredictabilities。 And I think the world is watching。 I think the negotiators of the two countries really have a big duty on their shoulders。 I don‘t think it is the intention of China to wait and see。 That is not our position。 We want to clinch the agreement as soon as possible。 But you need two to tango, right?

Third, I don‘t think resorting to war of words, accusing each other, is helpful at all。 Some politicians criticize China for so-called “stealing technology” from the United States。 I think they have a wrong impression。 China’s miracle is not built on theft of other countries’ property。 It’s built by the hard working people of China in the past 70 years。 So I think you really have to address this issue in sincerity and try to tackle this problem with honesty, sincerity, rather than accusing China of so called stealing。 That will be helpful for the two sides to work on this important issue。
